Simply Read Too Much

Size: 37" x 24"
Pattern: Original
Quilting: Machine & Big-stitch

Each year High Fiber Diet, an art quilting group in Portland, puts on a juried traveling show based upon a theme.  The first year I lived in Portland the theme was “Simply Red”.  I struggled with the idea until I came upon a plan to make my piece a pun.  I included enough red in the piece to make sure I wouldn’t be disqualified by a literal juror, but had fun working with my second love, reading. Many of the books are ones I have loved, including My Memories, written by my mother, Margaret Rodrigue.  Surprisingly, the books went together quickly while I got stuck when designing the setting.  Nothing seemed to work.  My son, Matthew, a trained artist, checked in on my progress weekly and suggested, prodded, challenged, annoyed and frustrated me to a successful outcome.  I call him “Coach”.